Tag Archives: GWT File upload

Ajax File Uploader for javascript users

GWTUpload is a library for uploading files to web servers, showing a progress bar with real information about the process (file size, bytes transferred, etc). It uses ajax requests to ask the web server for the upload progress. It has two components written in java, the server side with servlet and utility classes, and the client side that is compiled into javascript using gwt.

JSUpload is the same client library but compiled and exported into javascript, so users that don’t develop in java can use it directly in web pages. It provides a server program written in perl that can be installed in any web server as a cgi-bin script.


  • All the components are documented.
  • The user can configure customized functions for onChange, onStart and onFinish events
  • The user can customize the provided progress bars, or implement his own.
  • Both the client and server sides, are easy to use just writing a few lines of code.
  • The server side could be implemented in any language.
  • The client side can be used from gwt applications, or from javascript without knowing gwt.
  • There are available widgets for multiple and single uploads
  • It works in any browser with js enabled, and it doesn’t need any plugin installed like flash or gears.
  • The provided widgets are ready to use, in the sense that they come with a set of configured styles.

Source :



Posted by on July 29, 2009 in GWT, Web


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